What are Executive Functioning Skills?

Ever get stuck trying to get something done? We’ve all been there. But for some of us, the procrastination and frustration is causing major issues. If you are struggling to complete tasks, consider what executive functioning skills are at play to better understand where your trouble lies and how you can tackle it.

Executive Functioning skills are the skills needed to get tasks done. We have to use these skills to manage a household, school work or the obligations of a job. They keep us functioning in the world. When one skill is weak, we might find that our work, school or relationships are struggling.

Consider some of the following skills: organizing, remembering, staying calm, communicating needs, flexibility, staying focused and limiting distractions. We need a combination of these skills in most of life’s roles. You might already be noting some areas you find challenging.

But not to fear, EF skills can be worked on. We can often find ways to build up certain skills or even create ways to alter our lives or routines to help mitigate the issues that can arise.

There are tons of resources like books, videos and even classes that can help you or a loved one to understand where you are with all of these skills and then get to work with a plan to overcome the struggles and build a life filled with more self-awareness and more confidence in your ability to get stuff done.

Want to know more about Executive Functioning Coaching or upcoming skills groups? Contact me here.


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