You've always been good at meeting expectations,

but what if you want more…



A framework to rebuild, refocus and reimagine what is possible for you as a student pursuing a plan with purpose.


You've worked hard, completed the applications, essays and noted countless lists of activities and interests. 

Your work ethic has paid off. You got to college, you picked a path, it felt like things were really coming together.


You met the goals set for you.

You earned the praise, the congratulations and the acceptance! You followed the rules and everything should be falling into place, like it seems to for everyone else.

But as you move closer to the reality of your choice, you realize that these goals were not authentically yours and you can’t shake the feeling that maybe you chose this path for the wrong reasons.

Suddenly, the “real” world feels close and you find it hard to feel motivated with everything feels so disconnected.

The fear of commitment, success and failure all seem to be swirling around leaving you unsure and crippled with decision paralysis.


 but you are so hopeful that there is more and you have A reason to be!


Clarity awaits.

Finding a major and career that aligns to your individual needs is possible.

  • You need guidance, support, insight and expertise.

  • You’re positive that if you only felt confident, you could move mountains.

  • You’re ready to discover who you are and what that means for your future.

  • You're done living out other people’s ideas of success and ready to align to purpose.

The PLANCAFÉ is a framework of self-discovery and planning that helps undecided college students go from lost and uncertain to confident explorers of their own potential. It starts with self-discovery, leans to curated resources and ends with a real, action-oriented plan.

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Julie Crowe-McCarthy, M.Ed., LCPC, CCC

Hi, I’m Julie! I was once a college student struggling to find my path forward, looking for a sign and hoping no one could see how uncertain I felt inside.

I remember landing at college after all of the applications and essays, hustling for grades and keeping up with extra curricular activities only to realize I didn’t really have any idea WHY I was there.

It wasn’t until I graduated with a VERY general undergrad, worked several temp jobs and really began to explore options that I ended up in a counseling graduate program, a great fit for me and my strengths. But all of those years feeling disconnected, getting average grades and feeling so anxious were hard to stomach.

And I don’t want you to continue muddling through, forcing a smile and acting as if something in your gut isn’t telling you that this isn’t right. I want you to know sooner.

Together, we can dig deep to take another look, retell your story and take the steps towards a real and bright future.



  • Pre-game: A module devoted to getting ready including time management strategies to make the most of the program.

  • Self-discovery: More than just a quiz or open ended questions but a curated list of activities and exercises that get to the heart of who you are!

  • Resources: Identify what’s already there and what you need to cultivate in order to make things happen.

  • Goals: A whole new world of how to set and reach goals including making sure they are the right goals for you.

  • Action plan: Short and long-term strategies to stay connected to your path and create new ones when needed.

  • Support: Choose from a variety of support strategies with an expert to help you identify stuck points and develop the tools to overcome those points.

 But, I went through the college search process. Can you really tell me something new?

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The truth is, there are no magic wands. But we do have the ability to ask new questions, consider creative solutions and look towards experiences that haven’t been explored before. When we are focused on being the best, beating out the next student, getting the extra point to raise to the next percentile, we forget why we’re here in the first place.

I love storytelling and believe that every student has a story to tell. Most haven’t had this chance. This isn’t any one school, counselor or programs fault. Our society is set up in a way that makes us feel we have to focus on what is happening around us, step into the role we are supposed to play, and keep quiet along the way. But real connection, purpose and understanding is possible if we are okay accepting that the options that make the most sense for us might not be the ones we expected. This doesn’t just require that I find a new way to approach your situation, it also means you have to be ready to explore all possibilities within yourself. And if your ready for that, then yes, this will be a much different experience.




Self Awareness

Examine yourself from a new perspective, ask different questions and learn to deconstruct your story. This process shows you how your true core interests, strengths and values have been there all along.



Goals of Alignment

Learn the art of setting goals that are directly aligned to self-knowledge. Create an authentic vision for yourself while becoming comfortable with change. Seek information from trusted sources.



Decision Making

Realize and apply the structure of strategic decision making. Watch as you learn how to navigate barriers, pivot when situations change and follow through knowing that each step can be retraced. Give yourself the tools to get unstuck.

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Taking Action

Finally, co-construct a new path forward that includes a 1 week, one month, and one year road map. Because you have the tools, you realize that it's ok to pursue paths with passion and purpose, ready to take in all that you will learn along the way.


If You’re Ready to Take the Steps to Rebuild, Refocus and Reimagine your Path, Join the PlanCafe and see What’s Possible!


Most students report feeling a sense of relief even from the beginning of this journey because they know they are on their way to intentional action. It feels good to take the first step!

Once you dive in, you’ll start to engage with all of your strengths, values and interests. You won’t be worried about what other people are up to. This program invites us to look at ourselves as compliments to the world, not competitors and you start to appreciate the gifts of your peers as you lean into your own assets.

If you’re ready to feel less stuck, more momentum and develop a true sense of self that feels more authentic and less cookie-cutter, join up. I can’t wait to take this journey with you!



Course and Office Hours

  • The PLANCAFÉ online course, when opened

  • Downloadable activities and worksheets

  • Weekly office hours with fellow students

  • Email access to instructor outside of office hours


$397.00 USD


Course and 1:1 Support

  • The PLANCAFÉ online course, when opened

  • Downloadable activities and worksheets

  • Weekly office hours (when in session)

  • Email access to instructor outside of office hours

  • (4) 45 minutes sessions of 1:1 instruction



What is included with the program?

The PLANCAFÉ is an online course broken down into four modules based on data driven strategies for helping students to find focus and motivation into their future goals. The program can consist of just the course through self-study or the option of adding in group office hours or individual coaching throughout the process.

How long will the program take?

Once you purchase the course, you have lifetime access. However, if you utilize the office hours and/or individual coaching sessions, the timeline is generally between 6-8 weeks. In addition, some students find that decisions need to be made more quickly when outside deadlines are applicable. Those students are certainly welcome to work through more quickly.

What is the investment/pricing?

The cost of the course alone is $397. With the addition of group office hours and/or individual coaching, the cost increases.

What should I expect to gain from the program?

The end goal is to have a year long plan of action aligned to your personal values, strengths and interests. You will not just say what you are going to do but be able to explain WHY this path is right for you. This might include changing programs or schools, delving into volunteer or internships or even strategic time off. There are no "good" or "bad" options and we always strive to consider personal, financial, family and community goals as we realize that no individual lives in a vacuum.

How is the PlanCafé different than other college admissions or career planning programs?

The PLANCAFÉ is not going to be a replica of the college admission process that happened in high school and focused on blanket goals of getting you into a "reach" school with minimal focus on actual career exploration. This program is designed with the idea that if we truly understand who we are, which options are available to us and how those two factors combine, we can make decisions without fear of commitment or failure, knowing how to align options to our own personal values and have the confidence to share those insights with others.

I want my child to do this program. Can you talk them into it?

In my experience, there has to be an autonomous element to make counseling or career coaching effective. If you child is willing, I am happy to chat with them. Often students jump on board when they hear my approach. However, if I am under the impression they are only doing this to keep a parent happy, I will encourage them to hold off and do more research first.

I do, however, offer parent coaching. This can be useful if you are having trouble moving from parenting to partnering with your adult child and wondering how you might reflect on your own strategies in order to build a more collaborative relationship. It can also be helpful for you to understand the current trends in higher education and the world of work and how you can educate yourself in order to support your child.

Are you ready to take the leap into a brighter future?

Sometimes, taking a leap can feel scary. Even when things don’t feel great, change is unknown and it can be uncomfortable to take a chance and fear that it might not work.

But change is going to come either way. We just get to decide who is in charge of that change. Let it be you!

If you’re ready to be the compass and build the map, I’m here to help you navigate the entire process!

Why wait longer for something to magically appear? Join me while we ask new questions, develop new tools and rewrite your story with intention, purpose and a new connection to self. I’m excited to be on this journey with you!